Dear Healthcare Workers

What has been asked of you, forced upon you, and thrown in your lap over the past couple of years is -

well actually, I can’t think of a word to do it justice. Maybe just pick from the following list: traumatizing, exhausting, frightening, frustrating, insert your word here: _________

Truthfully, I cannot even begin to understand the stress you have endured throughout this pandemic. However, even though we may not fully understand what happens within those barricaded walls, we see you.

Your sacrifice is not lost upon us. Not only that, but we will make sure our kids understand the magnitude of what you’ve done for us, and their kids, and so on.

We always hear people tell new mothers, sleep when the baby sleeps. Caretakers cannot run on fumes alone. My friend, you were told to drive us to the other side of this, and there hasn’t been gas in your tank since we were stocking up on toilet paper and rice.

We see you. You are a glob darn unicorn!

But, if I’m being honest… there’s an element of all of this I find interesting, and truthfully a bit frightening. Your line of work has you trained for the unexpected. You have experienced and have witnessed things us ‘sight of blood squirmers’ are not equipped for. When it comes to witnessing trauma, and problem solving under pressure, you’ve been wearing that cape long before we knew what the word antigen ever meant. And that worries me.

Why? Because nobody, no matter how trained or prepared you think you are, should have to experience what you’ve experienced or are still going through. We see you.

Your mental health matters, and it is not to be brushed under the rug for the sake of humanity.

So first… please pause and give yourself grace. Please reflect on what you’re going through and feel comforted knowing you did your best with what you were given. Take a very deep breath. Allow energy/prana/life force in. Take a very deep exhale. Release what you no longer need to carry inside of you. Let go.

Like a beating heart, life contracts before it expands.

It’s time for your heart to expand.

we see you.

Alysia Mckean